March 22, 2017 News

Chief Operator/Wastewater Class II

Town of Cicero seeking Chief Operator/Wastewater Class II for the Cicero Street/Utility Department. 

Responsible for maintaining and ensuring efficient Wastewater Plant, Lift Station and Collection System Operations in compliance with EPA and NPSES regulations and guidelines.  Supervises the daily operations and personnel of the Wastewater Treatment Department, consulting with and providing direction and leadership to employees.  Compiles operational data and prepares monthly reports regarding water quality and operations of plant equipment.  Serves on 24-hour on-call and responds swiftly, rationally and decisively to emergency situations as needed.  Must have Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and demonstrated safe driving record and ability to be insurable to drive assigned vehicles under the Town’s insurance policy.  Salary based on experience. Application available at and may be e-mailed to or picked up at 150 W. Jackson St, Cicero, IN.

Application for Employment for the Town of Cicero