The Town of Cicero has received another grant from the Upper White River Watershed Alliance to help mitigate stormwater run off issues in Cicero. Earlier this year the Town of Cicero Parks Department applied for funding to complete two large rain gardens in Red Bridge Park. Those gardens will be designed to capture and clean the remaining areas of run off from the parking lot before the water reaches Morse Reservoir. During the process the Town identified other areas that could benefit from installing similar gardens to deal with run off and erosion issues.
In what is the last round of funding by the Upper White River Watershed Alliance, the Town of Cicero applied to construct a rain garden at Jackson St. and Main St. just east of the public boat docks. “The sheet drainage from Jackson St. flows at such a high rate that it washes out the gravel and causes erosion issues along the shoulder of the road,” stated Pat Comer, Street Superintendent for Cicero. “The new rain garden will have curbs with designed inlets to help slow down the water along with soils and native plants to help clean and filter the water prior to it reaching Morse.” Educational signs will be added at the location to inform passers by of the significance of the rain garden and how they work.
The Town received $10,500 to help with the construction of the rain garden. The UWRWA was very excited about the visibility to residents and the educational aspect of the project. The curbs, garden and signs are being scheduled in conjunction with the final stages of the new causeway expansion. Construction should be finished in late fall of 2014.