September 7, 2017 News


The Town of Cicero and the Cicero Parks Department will host a Dedication Ceremony on Saturday, September 30th for the completion of the Cicero Pier.  The Town was awarded a $50,000.00 grant last fall from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs and the Indiana Office of Tourism Development through their Place Based Investment Fund.  The Town and the Parks Department matched the grant and had additional financial support from the Cicero Friends of the Park and Hamilton County Tourism and Our Town Cicero has provided in kind volunteer hours for the project.

The agenda for the day is as follows:

10:00am – Introductions

10:15am – Dedication Ceremony

11:00am-1:00pm – Kids Go Fishing Day

12:00pm – Lunch (provided by:  R.A.M., La Cascada, and Dave’s Famous Barbeque)

1:30-3:30pm – Music on the Pier – The Deep Soul Band

The public is invited to attend and share in the celebration of the new Pier in Cicero!  Please see attached flyer for more details.


Cicero Pier Dedication 9.30.2017