Town of Cicero
150 West Jackson Street
Dear Concerned Citizens,
Last fall, the Town of Cicero received several complaints regarding the parking of RVs and trailers in residential areas. After discussing the concerns voiced by the residents, the Planning Commission began reviewing the applicable ordinances to determine if they were unclear or needed revision. To that end, Planning Commission reviewed the current rules, how they impact the community, examined the rules and restrictions in use in neighboring communities, and discussed the Town’s priorities and objectives in regulating the parking of RVs and trailers in residential areas.
The main areas of concern were ensuring public safety by preventing obstruction of roadways or the views of roadway for traffic, maintaining unobstructed sidewalks and protecting the rights of property owners. To that end, the Planning Commission looked at the current limitations on parking RVs, boats, and trailers on public streets or blocking the sidewalks or parking them on the grass areas of lawns (particularly the front yard area) and whether these rules should be modified in any way. To date, no change has been made.
In fact, the members of the Planning Commission unanimously agreed that it was essential that residents continue to be permitted to park their boats or boat trailers in their driveways and on their property due to that being the long-held practice in the town and being an important part of permitting all residents to enjoy the amenities and benefits of living on the Morse Lake. As such, not only are there no plans to ban the parking of boats or boat trailers in driveways, but the Planning Commission has made it clear that they will not even entertain such a restriction.
I hope that this provides clarity on this subject and alleviates any concerns that were raised by this false rumor. If you or anyone has any questions or concerns regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact my office.
***Please note: This does NOT supersede individual Homeowner’s Association/Subdivisions covenants, so please check your neighborhoods rules pertaining to this issue.
C.J. Taylor
Director of Planning
Town of Cicero