Town of Cicero Recognized at Statehouse for Place Based Investment Funding Grant
Cicero, IN – Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch recognized all 2016 Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs Program and Grant recipients in January. The Town of Cicero was one of four communities awarded a $50,000.00 Place Based Investment Fund (PBIF) grant through the Indiana Office of Tourism Development (IOTD) and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). PBIF is a partner program developed by OCRA and IOTD as a competitive matching grant program to support community and economic development projects across the state. Initiatives that promote quality of life, improve tourism experiences and develop multi-purpose gathering places are specifically targeted for the grant.
With the funding through PBIF and contributions by the Town of Cicero, the Cicero Parks Department, Cicero Friends of the Park, and Hamilton County Tourism, the Town will construct a stationary pier on Morse Reservoir in Red Bridge Park. The pier will be utilized as a gathering space for educational programming, recreational opportunities and an entertainment venue. Additional partners for the project includes Our Town Cicero and Hamilton Heights High School. The anticipated date of completion of the pier will be spring 2017.
“This project would not be possible without all of the partners and supporters who have been involved and who have committed either financially or through volunteer labor and services,” said Parks Superintendent Charlie Cambre. “We believe that this project will be a great addition to Red Bridge Park and the entire community.”
Pictured left to right: Bill Konyha (OCRA), Rusty Miller, Rhonda Gary,
Charlie Cambre, and Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
For more information on the Town of Cicero visit