April 24, 2017 News

Saturday, April 29, is Prescription Drug Take Back Day, sponsored by the Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs as well as the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. As residents are spring cleaning, this provides an opportunity to properly dispose of unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications. These drugs are often left in medicine cabinets or other places where youngsters may come across them or others may steal or abuse them. Tossing medications in the trash is not good practice.
Items accepted during Prescription Drug Take Back Day include prescription pills and capsules, patches, medications, ointments, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, samples, and pet medications. Items not accepted are liquids, aerosols, biohazard materials, thermometers, and sharps/needles. Liquid medications can be disposed by mixing the liquid with a substance such as cat litter or sawdust, sealing the mixture in a container, and placing in the garbage. Needles and sharps may be taken to Hamilton County Hazardous Waste at 1717 Pleasant Street in Noblesville.
Prescription Drug Take Back sites in Hamilton County include:
~Riverview Health, east parking lot, 9A-Noon
~Marsh @ 146th Street/SR 37, 9A-Noon
~Farmers Bank, Sheridan, 9A-Noon
~CVS, Cicero, 9A-Noon
~A prescription drug collection box is available at the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office lobby, 24/7/365. More than 750 pounds of medications were disposed of in the collection box during 2016.